A ring finder on the radio

I had the unique opportunity to describe TheRingFinders.com on the radio! A few days ago, I got an email from a producer at BYU Radio. He asked if I would be interested in describing TheRingFinders service and talk about what it’s like being a ring finder. Wow! I hadn’t ever done anything like that before, so I told him, « Sure! ». Over the next few days, we discussed what to focus on, what questions the host should ask, and other things. This morning I drove into the studio, met a few producers, and then met the host, Lisa Valentine Clark. I spent about 15 minutes live on the air on the Lisa Valentine Clark show. You can hear my segment here or learn more about Lisa’s show here. The segment played twice this morning, 2/5/2019, on FM radio and SiriusXM Satellite Radio. It’s also available as a podcast. The producer told me that I could expect about 100,000 people to listen to the segment, all over the world.

Maybe increased publicity like this will help connect a few more people with ring finders to find their lost rings!


3 Replies to “A ring finder on the radio”

  1. Jim Wren dit :

    Larry, an absolutely phenomenal interview, you did a great job, buddy!!

    TRF North Myrtle Beach, SC

  2. Awesome job on your radio segment, Larry!!! It’s very cool that you got to do that and with it being such a large audience. I hope that it allows us to help more people!

  3. Dave Millman dit :

    Great interview! Sounded like you’ve been doing that forever.

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