It’s not always jewelry that I am contacted to find. I can help locate Property Markers, Water Shutoff Valves, Well Caps, etc. if it is made of metal, I can find it, as long as it isn’t to deep and out of the metal detector’s range.
I was contacted by Ted, last fall about trying to locate his two front property markers. He had purchased his home in 1992 and at that time he had been able to see the property markers. They were flush to the ground in 1992 but today, no longer visible. Ted ask if I could help him locate the markers, in the spring. Absolutely I will help him. Knowing he had actually seen them, at one time, I figured it wouldn’t take to long to locate.
So. On Sunday March 16, I walked down to Ted’s house. Yes, Ted and I live on the same street and just two houses separate our properties. I love helping a neighbor. When I arrived, Ted took me out to the front of the house and showed me the area where he had last seen the right front marker, 30+ years earlier.
I fired up the Minelab Manticore and started searching the grassy lawn area. I was not finding anything that should have rung up as a ferrous metal, like a steel property marker. I dug a penny, a bottle cap and a piece of foil. Nothing much at all on the lawn. Ted suggested we head to the left front of the house and search for that property marker. Let’s go.
We walked down to the other end of the property and when I started swinging the metal detector, I almost immediately received a ferrous signal that got me excited. The problem was the ferrous signal was partially under the asphalt sidewalk. As I started digging the lawn, next to the sidewalk, I realized the marker was approximately 5 inches deep, on the border of the grass and paved sidewalk.
Ted and I removed enough soil, to expose and verify that the property marker had been found. We decided that Ted would get a City Lot Map and once we had the exact lot dimensions, we would measure the distance from the market we had just found and I would bring my 300’ tape measure and measure out the distance.
Monday was a rainout. On Tuesday, I walked back down to Ted’s house and we measured 100’ from the left front marker and I immediately received a great signal, right on the 100’ foot mark, from the other marker. The lot dimensions said 100’ apart and we had a ferrous signal, at exactly that distance. Unfortunately the signal was not on the grassy lawn, it was completely under the paved asphalt sidewalk. There were no other signals, anywhere near the 100’ mark, that the property dimensions called for. We marked the sidewalk where I found the signal and Ted will contact the City of Saco Government, to see why the property markers were paved over. Until then, we did not dig up the sidewalk. This was the first time I have ever found property markers, under pavement. I have always found them, under grass. I will now start thinking about the sidewalk, whenever I can’t find them on the lawn.
Our next goal is to search the back of his property for 1 more marker. Ted has never seen the marker but would like to try and find it, if it’s there. First Ted will remove some of the overgrown trees that have popped up in the area. Once that area is cleared, we will search around.
Even though Ted didn’t lose any jewelry, he still had a big smile and was happy to have found his property markers, after 30+ years.
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