I had just returned home from a successful Heirloom Ring recovery and return, in Acton, Maine, when I received the following text
“Hi I’m hoping to get in contact with Dennis of Ring Finders of Maine. My name is Tim and I live in Limington Maine (about 45 minutes from Saco, Maine). I’ve been missing my keys since yesterday morning, and my wife and I have torn our house apart looking for them. We believe they may be under a couple inches of snow along the edges of our driveway, I wanted to know if you were able to offer your metal detector services to help find them”
I immediately texted Tim back and told him that I could certainly help him, to try and find his keys. I sent the following text message back to Tim
“A few questions
1) what makes you think they may be in the driveway area?
2) Are these actual keys, a key fob or both?
3) How big and long, is the driveway? I could bring an extra detector, if you or your wife would like to help search.”
Tim replied
“The driveway is about 5-6 car lengths long and 2 cars wide.
There is a fob, but there’s also 4 or 5 metal keys, and it’s on a carbon fiber key organizer.
We think they’re in the driveway because I usually keep keys in one coat pocket and my wallet in the other, and I last had them Wednesday when I went out and came back. I was staking our driveway for our plow guy since we had some snow coming Wednesday night into Thursday and when I went to use my car yesterday my wallet was still in my coat pocket but my keys were not, and between staking the driveway and taking a couple patio chairs off the deck the only explanation for not finding them in the house anywhere is if they fell out of my pocket while outside.
I’m happy to help search if you can teach me what I need to do”
I replied
“Ok, are you available now? I can come up now, if this is ok.
What is your full name and address, I would need to go to? I will bring the spare detector”
Tim said he was home and I told him I would be there shortly. After being home less than an hour, after returning from Acton, Maine, I was out the door, to Limington, Maine. I arrived at Tim’s home, approximately 45 minutes later and was promptly met by Tim. I asked Tim to show me the areas, he thinks the keys may be in. Tim said the keys could be on either side of the driveway, where he had placed some stakes and cleaned back a little snow. They could be out back, where he had moved some patio furniture. The could also be along the walkway, to the front door, coming from the driveway.
I then retrieved both of my detectors, set them up and tested them, with my set of keys and key fob. After placing my set of keys, under the bank of snow, along the driveway, I showed Tim, what he would need to do and listen for, as he helped me search. The detectors were picking up the test keys with no problems, at approximately 10-12 under the snow bank. After watching Tim swing the detector, over the test keys, I asked him which side of the driveway would he like to search. He chose the right side, as you faced the house and I would start on the left side, of the house. As we were searching, we were receiving plenty of targets but definitely not in the key range. As we were finishing up the sides of the driveway, I heard Tim say, “Got em” and I looked up and Tim had found them, at the intersection of the driveway and walkway, to the front door. Tim was very excited and happy, with a smile from ear to ear.He surmised that they fell out of his pocket, while placing a stake, in the area and disappeared, under the surface of the snow and then more snow arrived, covering them even more.
Tim said he had been extremely stressed about his keys and key fob being lost. The key fob was extremely wet, from the snow and Tim was going to place it in a bag of rice, hoping to dry the fob out. Hopefully, it works.
So it’s not always jewelry that The Ring Finders of Maine help recover. Sometimes it’s Keys, Key Fob, Property Markers, Water Shutoff Valves, Cell Phones, etc.. Whatever the item is, I love being able to help people like Tim out, in their time of need. It’s such a great feeling when I am able to return a lost item and add another face to my “Book of Smiles”
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