Four Generation Gold Diamond Heirloom Ring, Lost In The Snow, In Acton, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Thursday afternoon, I was driving home, from Norway Maine, after recovering a lost ring. I stopped to fill the car up with gas and that there was a Facebook PM. The PM stated, the following

“I lost a very special white gold and multi diamond ring on a trail behind my house this morning. I have walked the trail 3-4 times and borrowed a friends metal detector with no luck. At this point, I think I should wait till the 2″ of snow melts first before trying again. the only thing that goes on this trail besides me are turkeys and wildlife. would you recommend a different approach?”

I replied to Gail and asked where she was located and if I would be able to call in approximately a 1/2 hour, when I arrived home. Gail replied that she lived in Acton, Maine and I could definitely call her, once I arrived home.
Once arriving at home, I called Gail and she told me the previous evening, she had taken off a very sentimental ring, going back 4 generations. She then placed the ring in a small pocket, on the backside of her phone and intended to put the ring back on, the next morning. The ring was a little tight, on her finger and she didn’t want to wear it to bed, that night.

The ring was White Gold and contained the diamonds of not just her Engagement Ring, but the diamonds and rings, of her Mother’s, Grandmother’s and Great Grandmothers. WOW!!! What a ring. Gail also sent me a photo of the ring and also told me the gold from all 4 generational rings were melted down and that gold was used to make the current ring and setting, that the diamonds were placed in. I could hear the anguish, in Gail’s voice and told her that I could search for the lost Diamond Ring, the next morning, after rescheduling a search, due to the snow banks, along a road, I am to search. I told Gail that I would be at her home, in Acton, at approximately 8:00am. I also told Gail that I would be bringing a friend and fellow Metal Detectorist, with me, to search such a large area, Gary Hill. Gail had told me the search area would consist, of an area, of her driveway, yard and also a trail, through the woods, for approximately a 1/2 mile. Gail had stopped numerous times, in the yard and the trail, to retrieve her phone, to answer calls and text messages, along with taking photos, of the freshly fallen snow. Gail was certain that the ring would be in her gravel driveway where she was talking, on the phone, or one of the multiple places she stopped at, on the wooded trail and had taken the phone, out of her pocket .
Gary and I arrived at her home at approximately 8:15am. We would have made it on time but my GPS took me past her home and down an extremely long and steep mountainous road. Once at the bottom of this mountain road, all packed snow and ice, I could not get back up the mountainous road. My tires were spinning so much, we could smell the burning rubber. Gary’s face was going ashen, with concern. I backed down the hill, since I couldn’t go up and called Gail. She said, “ You didn’t go down that hill, did you?” Yup, too late, that’s where I am. She told me to get a good start and gun it up that hill. I did just that and after 15 minutes, I was about 1/2 way up the hill. I told Gary to walk, to the top of the hill and see if Gail had any sand, we could throw on the road. After Gary left the vehicle, I continued to burn rubber, going up the hill, inch by inch. I was approaching the 3/4 mark, up the hill, when Gary and Gail came to the rescue. Once they threw some sand down, I made it to the top of the mountainous road. Just another adventure story, in our Ring Finding. Now, we need to get down to business and find a lost ring.

With temperatures in the mid to high teens, winds at 15 to 18mph and gusting up to 25-30mph, the feels like temperature was near ZERO, BRRRRRRR🥶🥶🥶. Gail showed us the area, in her yard, she thinks the ring may have been lost in. I took out my White Gold setup and test ring, so Gary and I could properly calibrate our detectors. Once we were both good to go, it was decided that I would search the property near the house and Gary would follow Gail, into the woods and search the trail, behind her home. This is truly going to be a “Needle in a haystack” search.

I saw Gary and Gail, enter the woods and out of sight and I continued to search the snowy driveway area. I was getting lots of low conductors targets but once I removed the snow, the targets were all below the frozen ground. After approximately 35 minutes, I was almost done, in the driveway area, when I could hear some loud screaming, coming from deep in the woods. I kept my eyes, on the area where Gary and Gail entered the woods but couldn’t see them. I could still hear the loud excited voices and only one of two things were happening. 1) Gary found the ring, 2) Gary fell on the snowy trail and broke his hip😉. A few minutes later I see Gail and Gary walk out of the woods, so I knew Gary hadn’t broken his hip. Gary was carrying his metal detector and not searching, when I see Gail raise her hand and yell down to me, that Gary had found the ring. AWESOME JOB GARY!!! When they arrived at the driveway, they told me that the ring was found at the last spot Gail had been at, before turning around, on the trail and returning home. She had taken her phone out, at that spot and had taken a photo of the wooded wintery scene. The ring was out of sight, buried in the snow and as they were brushing back the latest snow fall, the ring appeared, standing straight up, with the beautiful diamonds pointing towards the sky.
Gail was very emotional and I could see her keep wiping tears away. It’s such a great feeling for Gary and I to have been able to reunite Gail with this amazing sentimental heirloom ring. Gail kept thanking us and was just so pleased with the outcome and so were we.
There is no better feeling that to be able to help people like Gail, in their time of need. Thinking her extremely sentimental heirloom ring was lost forever and then to see her tears of happiness and smile, makes this such a rewarding experience. A true blessing, for Gary and I to help. Tonight, Gail will be sleeping well, knowing her ring is back on her finger, where it belongs.
I would also like to give Gary a BIG SHOUT OUT, for helping me search such a large area and for finding Gail’s ring, deep in the snowy woods. Thank you so much Gary❤️🙏

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