Shannon Ferguson

  • Land/Shallow Water Search
  • Diver/Underwater Search

Cost For My Service

My services are offered on a Reward Only Basis. You only pay when your item is found. It's what you feel it's worth for me to find your lost item. I'm a firm believer in paying it forward to make the world a better place.

Search Types

Beaches, Lakes, Yards, Parks, Deep Water I'm available for any kind of diving recovery up to 140ft of depth. Fresh and Salt), Old Home Sites----No Limitations-

Search Locations

All of Northeast Florida and Surrounding Areas,

Shannon Ferguson's Bio

I have been hunting treasures my entire life. I've spent alot of time diving and searching for Spanish Treasure in South Florida and the Florida Keys. I have a true passion for finding lost items new and old. I would love the opportunity to see the smile on your face by reuniting you with your misplced items. The Thrill of the Chase is more important than financial gain.