Donald OReilly

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

I work on a reward basis that is agreed upon in advance. That means you pay what you feel item is worth for me to come out and search for it and reward must be agreed upon prior to arrival. If lost item is not recovered, you only pay trip fee.

A minimum trip fee of $40 is charged to cover cost of fuel. This fee is charged even if the lost item is not recovered.

Search Types

Beaches, Parks, yards, mountains and streams, swimming holes. Can search in the water.

Search Locations

San Juan metro area, I am willing to travel anywhere in Puerto Rico and nearby Islands.

Donald OReilly's Bio

I enjoy finding lost items. Reuniting people with their lost items is a pleasure.

Donald OReilly - Recent Blog Post

Donald OReilly - Testimonials

  • We are so grateful for Donald and his willingness to drive from San Juan to Rio Grande to look for my ring. He was a pleasure to work with and we couldn't be more happy... (2022)


    This was our 4th night in Puerto Rico, we had spent the day in El Yunque National Forest. It was around 5:30 in the evening and we wanted to enjoy the ocean a bit before getting supper. My son and I were in waist deep water right in front of our resort. It was very windy and the surf was pretty brutal. That's why we were only waist deep. My son was horsing around trying to pull me under. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled on my arm. His hand slid down my arm and onto my hand pulling my ring off as his hand left my hand.

    My son is a lifeguard and immediately started trying to find the ring. We searched and searched until the sun went down and had no luck. We searched several more times during our stay in Puerto Rico. We had no luck and figured the ring was gone. My son felt terrible.

    When we got back to Wisconsin, my lovely wife had the idea to look on-line to see if there were any ring search websites in Puerto Rico. The thought being we couldn't be the only family that had lost a ring. My wife found the site and we found Donald's name. I called on a Sunday and Donald found it the very next day. A week later, the ring was back on my finger.

    We are so grateful for Donald and his willingness to drive from San Juan to Rio Grande to look for my ring. He was a pleasure to work with and we couldn't be more happy.

    Thanks again Donald for your help

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  • the experience of finding it after being lost for almost 5 days!!! Priceless (2022)


    I had the right amount of hope and luck to find Donald by searching for metal detectors in San Juan! He was able to swing by in less than 30 mins and found the ring in less than 5mins! This is a gift from my father so even more valuable than the gold itself! But the experience of finding it after being lost for almost 5 days!!! Priceless

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  • Thank you so much Donald! (2021)


    I lost my gold signet ring during my last night in San Juan in late August. I went late night swimming at a beach 15 minutes away from my Airbnb and the next morning I woke up and realized I had all my other rings on except one. However, I had a flight to catch in an hour and I didn’t have time to go back to that beach. But it was the first piece of gold jewelry I ever purchased after working my first full-time job post college graduation so I wasn’t ready to lose all hope in searching for it.

    When I arrived back to NYC, I google searched jewelry finders in San Juan and found Donald’s information. I reached out to him and he immediately responded. He went searching for my ring the next 3 days. Unfortunately, because I lost my ring in the water he wasn’t able to locate it and I ultimately accepted that it was probably lost in the ocean forever.

    Almost 2 months later in mid October, I receive a text from Donald with incredible news. He had found a ring that day on the beach that matched the description I had sent him. He sent me a photo to confirm and it was in fact my long lost ring! I was completely amazed that he actually found it! He shipped it out to NYC the next day and the following week my little gold ring found its way back to me. Thank you so much Donald!

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  • He was extremely experienced and professional... (2021)


    My wife and I were at the beach playing ball with friends, and I was worried about my ring falling off so I put it in her purse without telling her. A while after we left the beach, I asked her to get the ring from her purse and it wasn’t there! We realized she dropped it while taking out her other items. We and our friends spent a long time combing the beach but found nothing. Two days later we came back with Donald and he found our ring! He was extremely experienced and professional and we are so happy to get my ring back. He took less than 30 minutes. This saved our vacation!

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  • Thank you Donald for saving the day! (2019)


    My husband and I went for a fun day at the beach with the kids. While I went to play with my daughter, I removed the rings and placed them on my lap and forgot about them. When I got up off the chair, they were gone! It wasn’t until the next day that i realized that i didn’t have my rings! After crying for a while my husband contacted Donald OReilly of TheRingFinders. We explained where we had been at the beach. Donald went out to the area and within 15 minutes had located both rings. Thank you Donald for saving the day!

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  • I would recommend him to anyone living or traveling in Puerto Rico!! Thank you Donald, you are my savior!! (2019)


    I was at a bachelorette party in Puerto Rico and we decided to take a boat trip out to La Parguera one day. We made our way over to a part in the water where it was about 4 feet deep and the current was strong. I was trying to hold onto some trees along the bank in order to steady myself, but I slipped on a rock and my hand scrapped on a tree. Both of my wedding rings came right off my finger and fell in the water! I was devastated and immediately starting freaking out. My friends and I tried searching the area, we got some goggles and had nearby people help us, but it was no use. The sand was too murky and rocky, and there were too many other people kicking up sand. Plus the current was strong and I had no idea where the rings could have fallen. Eventually we had to give up and I left that area in tears, sure that I would never see my wedding rings again.

    The next day, I decided to do a quick google search to see if there were any metal detection experts in the area. That’s how I found Donald! I called him immediately and instantly got my hope back. He was so kind on the phone and assured me he could find my rings. He knew the exact area where I was, even from a short description over the phone. He told me he would go out the next morning and start searching for me! I wasn’t expecting him to work so quickly! He drove all the way from San Juan to Lajas, which is a couple hours drive.

    Sure enough, the next morning I got a text that he was already in the area and would begin searching. About 3-4 hours later, he sent me a photo of my rings! He had found both of them!!! I broke down in tears of joy. He told me the rings were carried a bit further from where I slipped, due to the current. And they were buried quite a bit in the sand, so I would have never found them without Donald. Luckily, I was still in Puerto Rico and arranged to meet him to pick up the rings. We were staying in Aguadilla, and he was kind enough to drive all the way there to meet me and give me my rings in person.

    Donald is just an amazing and kind person, and a very talented metal detection expert. He genuinely cares about reuniting people with their lost items. He showed me a kindness that I don’t often see in people anymore, and I’m so grateful I found him. I would recommend him to anyone living or traveling in Puerto Rico!! Thank you Donald, you are my savior!!

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  • THANK YOU Donald! (2019)


    My husband and I went to Puerto Rico to take a break from school and visit/spend the holidays with our families back home. We went to the beach in January and decided to take our fur-baby with us for his first swim at the beach. When we went into the water, I was holding my dog and as soon as I was getting ready to release him so that he swam, I felt his nail pushing my wedding rings off my finger! Everything happened so fast. My husband and I tried retrieving it by trying to touch everything we could with our feet (my husband even cut himself), but the waves were not making it easy. After a few tears, we gave up and went home. That night I googled what to do if you lose a ring at the beach and found an article with recommendations and almost at the end “ring finders” was mentioned. I had never heard of this website, so I looked it up and found Donald! With little hope I called him the next morning and explained what happened. Donald was able to go to the beach where everything happened that same day AND he found one of the wedding rings! So, suddenly my hope was/is back! I am hopeful that he might find the other one. THANK YOU Donald!

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  • Thank you so much. Words can't explain how happy and grateful I am! (2018)


    August 24,2018 I lost my ring in the ocean in San Juan while swimming. I contacted and was pointed to an awesome gentleman who happened to be in the area (lucky me). He came out with his partner first thing next morning and the hunt was on. About an hour later they asked me what my ring looked like and BOOM my ring was in his hand!!! Thank you so much. Words can't explain how happy and grateful I am!

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  • Donald, thank you so much for everything you did. You're a life saver. (2018)


    Celebrating our marriage at our beach house in Puerto Rico, my wife and I decided to swim in the ocean. After a few minutes of enjoying the sea, I felt my heart drop. My wedding ring fell off my finger. I could see in my newlywed wife's eyes, what she was thinking and it was not good, "You lost the symbol of our marriage within a week."

    While she stayed in the place I thought I lost it, I ran to the house to find goggles. After a day of swimming in the ocean and looking for it, I thought it was gone.

    The next day, I got up an swam for it for another 2.5 hours. I had already looked for it for over 8 hours in the ocean, and was about to give up. I randomly, googled "how do you find a ring in the ocean?" and came across Donald O'Reilly of Don and I spoke, and he was at my home within a few hours. He was polite, timely, had a great attention to detail and was an excellent listener to my story and the possibility of the location of the ring.

    We both got in the ocean and began to search... after about 20 minutes, I said to Donald, "This feels right... this is about the location". Within 2 minutes of saying that Donald detected the ring!

    Donald, thank you so much for everything you did. You're a life saver. What you did was priceless.

    Andrew Keys

    Dorado, Puerto Rico

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  • So to you Mr. Donald Oreilley (my angel) I say THANK YOU (2017)


    I have always said there are angels walking among us and if we pay

    attention you will even see them or get to meet them, I met one while on a

    well- deserved family vacation to Puerto Rico So to make a long story

    short I will tell you how I met my angel.

    On Thursday 08/03 we decided to go to a beach in San Juan Isla Verde,

    beautiful beach but the waves were strong, crashing hard enough to pull

    you. And in a blink of an eye I lost my wedding rings. Yes I did and in

    the water. Waves after waves crashing in, so after the shock of them

    coming off my finger THEN came the tears and nothing was going to make me

    feel better but to have my rings back. I kind of turned into to Smeagol

    from Lord of the Rings when he lost his PRECIOUS. Yes that was me I lost

    my precious. My husband said not to worry he can get me another one bigger

    and better, but I don’t want bigger and better I want the original one,

    because the sentimental value is PRICELESS. Unable to sleep, toss and

    turning on Saturday night I was reading and looking for info online and

    maybe I would actually fall asleep, to keep me from thinking that I will

    soon leave P.R. without my rings, but I found this page TheRingFinders

    I thought to myself REALLY, was this a sign, maybe the light

    at the end of this dark place I was in. I sent an email and called Sunday

    morning. Spoke to Donald Oreilley explained where I was, what happened

    and prayed for a miracle. This is my angel. Donald Oreilley, the person

    who went out to this beach and after hours of looking he actually found

    one of my rings, my engagement ring after 4 days in the ocean with those

    waves crashing hard. God is good, the power of prayer and my angel who

    was able to give me back part of my precious. So to you Mr. Donald

    Oreilley (my angel) I say THANK YOU and I will always be grateful for what

    you did and I have faith that you will find the other ring.

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