Brendon Chapman

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

I request a $40.00 "call-out" fee to cover fuel regardless of recovery status. Due to the never ending variables in these sort of searches, I will allow you to choose a "reward" based on efforts and value. Basically, offer what you deem fair and what you can afford.

Search Types

I have a multitude of detector options and would be glad to search any parks, beaches, yards, and water for your valuables.

Search Locations

Contra Costa and Alameda County and I'd be glad to travel within the greater Bay Area.

Brendon Chapman's Bio

I got my first taste of metal detecting as a member of a Volunteer Bay Area Search and Rescue Team. There, we systematically searched crime scenes for evidence such as bullet casings and slugs, knives, guns, and other objects of interest.

It was not until recently that my passion for history and lost treasures turned into a hobby often involving metal detecting. I love to find old coins and relics and research there history.

I will make every effort to locate your lost valuables. Please call early, the longer an item is missing the less likely it is to be recovered for the owner. Also, I would love to include you in our efforts. I find that it helps you take your mind off of a stressful situation and adds additional resources to the search. Please ask how you can assist in your search.

For quickest results please text me at 925-580-2590

Brendon Chapman - Recent Blog Post

  • Lost Diamond Stud Earring…Found with a Dyson??? (2024)

    The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590 When you are « The Bay Area Ring Finder » and your wife looses her diamond stud earring…you had better find that thing!!! With no fewer that 5 metal detectors, 2 sand scoops, multiple shovels, pin-pointers, a video-endoscope, and no shortage of other […]

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  • Lost unique white gold ring with diamond…Found at Baker Beach!!! (2024)

    The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590 I contacted Debra early on Wednesday after reviewing a Craigslist post about a lost white gold ring with a diamond.  She had been on Baker Beach when the ring went missing and after talking with her I could tell that it […]

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  • Platinum Wedding Band Lost in Sunnyvale, CA…FOUND!!! (2024)

    The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590     I have been requested for a string of esoteric recoveries involving planning, special equipment, and unusual conditions as of lately.  This was NOT one of them! The most difficult part of this recovery would be the hour commute to […]

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  • Lost Wedding Band on Inverness, CA beach…Found with Metal Detector!!! (2024)

    The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590 The California summer heat is here and the lost item recovery business is booming! On Monday July 1st, I received a multitude of requests for assistance.  One of these calls was from a couple in Inverness, CA who were enjoying time […]

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  • Buried Sewer Clean-out’s…Located By Metal Detector! (2024)

    As a member of THE RING FINDERS community, I often get calls for missing items such as; men’s and woman’s rings, earrings, cell phones, and keys.  I even have gotten a number of requests for missing or locating property pins.  I also get to meet a great deal of interesting personalities while on these requests […]

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Brendon Chapman - Testimonials

  • Brendon, it was great to meet you and also just to know that people like you exist. Thanks to you and the Ring Finders for bringing my ring back to me. I’ll never forget you! (2024)


    My name is Debra and I recently spent time with family at Baker beach. It was a fantastic day and couldn’t have been more perfect. We gathered up our things and headed home, and it wasn’t until later that evening that I realized my ring finger was bare. My heart sank. I knew it had to be lost at the beach and would probably never be found (at least not by me).

    A few days later, my husband and I returned to Baker Beach with a metal detector in hand, hoping to find my lost ring. Despite our best efforts, we only managed to uncover some debris. Disheartened, we headed back home, and I began to accept the fact that I may never see my ring again.

    I made one more attempt and put a lost & found ad on Craigslist. Soon after I made my post, I was contacted by Brendon. He explained that he was with Ring Finders and that he’d be happy to go search for my ring. I took him up on his offer. I knew he would be more skilled at finding it than we were. He said he would go search Saturday morning and would be in touch.

    On Saturday morning, we spoke during his search and he hadn’t found anything yet, but said he would continue searching for a bit longer. You can probably imagine my shock when I got a call from Brendon saying to check my texts. I could not believe my eyes! There it was! A photo of my ring! I’m still in complete disbelief (along with my entire family) that he found it and that it is now back on my finger. This ring has been with me for almost 25 years, through good and bad, and now it’s back where it belongs.

    I’m beyond grateful to Brendon for going out of his way to do such an incredible thing. I’m still on Cloud 9 over the whole thing, honestly.

    Brendon, it was great to meet you and also just to know that people like you exist. Thanks to you and the Ring Finders for bringing my ring back to me. I’ll never forget you!



  • I can’t recommend Brendon enough. Don’t give up hope! Give Brendon a call! (2024)


    Madison here! I am beyond thankful for Brendon’s help finding my wedding ring. As he said, I lost it on busy Memorial Day at the lake and spent the better part of an hour diving down to look to no avail. I texted Brendon that afternoon and received a call a few hours later. He was so courteous and told me what to expect and the steps he would have to take to get permission to go metal detecting in the later at a regional park.

    Two days later we met up there after agreeing on a time that worked for us both. As soon as I rolled up, he excited said, “Are you ready to get this ring back?” I was hopeful and never once questioned his enthusiasm or skill, but there was a part of me that was skeptical that *anyone* could find my ring in the water after 72 hours and so much foot traffic.

    We both went into the water and he explained his methodology; first conducting a “hasty search” based on my memory of where I dropped it, and then moving on to a more structured grid search. Brendon never lost his enthusiasm, and I could tell he lived for this sort of thing. After about an hour and a few course corrections, he walked up to me and asked, “Did it look like this?” He was holding my ring! I was shocked and elated and gave him a hearty hug. The lifeguards on the beach that day were excited to hear that he had made the recovery, but no one was happier than me that afternoon.

    After me we made the recovery we took some time to just chat and soak in the scenery that afternoon. Brendon is an East Bay native and had lots of good stories about the area. We found out that we’re both history buffs and we swapped stories and anecdotes for the better part of an hour. The only thing missing was a couple beers. Beers (and BBQ) are on me when we meet again, Brendon.

    If you’ve lost something valuable (even if it’s only valuable to you) I can’t recommend Brendon enough. Don’t give up hope! Give Brendon a call!

  • the right equipment and expertise makes A HUGE the difference... (2024)


    Wonderful story and an amazing ending! For those that are skeptical, I would say that having the right equipment and expertise makes A HUGE the difference. I was standing literally just over 10ft from where I lost the ring and would never have been able to find it without Brandon’s expertise and specialized equipment. Thanks to you again for reuniting our rings!

  • I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone else who has lost something of value... (2023)


    Brendon was very kind and professional, helped us retrace our steps, and thought of places to look we hadn’t yet thought of. He had no qualms about getting dirty, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone else who has lost something of value. We hope not to need his services again in the immediate future, but his skills are an asset to the community, and I would reach right back out again if I did. Thank you for your help finding my grandfather’s ring!

  • I'm so glad I trusted you in finding my ring ... (2023)


    I can't express my gratitude enough for your incredible efforts in recovering my lost ring. I'm so thankful word got to you!!

    Your willingness to take on the challenge literally in less than

    24HRS, speaks volumes about your dedication.

    The picture you sent me and our subsequent call brought overwhelming relief and joy. I can't thank you enough for your commitment and for giving me back such a meaningful and precious possession. I'm so glad I trusted you in finding my ring without me being there AND waiting for me at the location to pick it up. A special thank you as well to all the Ring Finders who guided me in your direction.

    With heartfelt thanks,


  • Thank you, Brendan (and sons!) for your help locating this precious family jewelry... (2023)


    Thank you, Brendan (and sons!) for your help locating this precious family jewelry. I would be lost without you, and likely still searching… you did it in less than 10.

  • On top of being incredibly kind throughout the process, he is also very skilled and instinctive which makes him a master at what he does. (2023)


    I texted Brendon one Sunday evening, after a failed day long search of my engagement ring. He called me back within 30 mins and planned to make his visit on Tuesday afternoon. He was our last hope as we already scoured the entire front yards of these two houses (or so we thought). The only place we couldn’t search through was a massive and dense juniper bush, so I told Brendon to focus on that first.

    Brendon was kind enough to drive by the site on Monday, and I told him the direction it could have possibly went. Finally he arrived to do the job on Tuesday, and I had knots in my stomach the whole time. He gave me an update to say that he wasn’t sure it was in the juniper bush, but we would keep looking around in other areas. Finally, I got the call I was waiting to hear. My ring was hidden on the base of a different bush, with flowers that almost exactly matched the colors of my sapphire! He told me afterwards that he was sorry he couldn’t get to see the look on my face after making the recovery, but I hope my voice bursting into tears was enough.

    Before this incident, I had no idea such services existed and I’m just so grateful that I called Brendon. On top of being incredibly kind throughout the process, he is also very skilled and instinctive which makes him a master at what he does. This experience was a tough one, but I’m happy that people like Brendon help make the lesson learned a lot less painful.


  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! (2023)


    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

    I am really thankful to Brendon for his dedication and help. I almost gave up, but he did not and I will forever be grateful to him.

    Sanjoli Saraf- Fremont, CA

  • the real lesson is to cherish the things that matter to us and to be thankful for people like Brendon! (2023)


    Where do I begin…I am the grateful fellow pictured above.

    New to the Bay Area, my wife and I dove in with both feet (literally) into everything SF, hoping to soak up as much of the city and the experience of living in California as we could, having moved from Canada where temperatures are decidedly colder and swimming in the ocean is not a year round possibility.

    It was one such jaunt that led me to calling Brendon. I had taken two strokes in the water when I felt the otherwise tight ring slip off my finger and devastation came over me. My wife and I looked down in the murky water with horror knowing what had happened while I stayed firmly planted so as to not lose my place. Friends and strangers came to our aid, shuffling their feet in the sand, hoping to touch it with their toes but nothing came of it.

    I took a shower shortly after as I had begun to feel hypothermic after ~40 minutes of searching, all the while staring down at the indent on my finger where the ring had been only an hour prior. My dad’s ring. Only one week removed from celebrating our first anniversary. Devastated.

    In a last ditch effort, I called a “RingFinder” who referred me to Brendon. When he answered, immediately his quiet confidence gave me hope. Less than an hour later he was there with his equipment, telling me he would forgo his wetsuit to “save time” as we were quickly losing light.

    He spent a cold 30 minutes in the water until he was successful. I will never forget him or be able to thank him enough. I know he is an amazing person by the few moments I shared with him and I will tell the story for the rest of my life.

    I told Brendon that I learned my lesson through all of this — that I can be as reckless as I want with the ring, knowing he will always be able to find it for me, but, of course, the real lesson is to cherish the things that matter to us and to be thankful for people like Brendon!

  • Your perseverance, honesty and skill really shine through.. (2023)


    Your perseverance, honesty and skill really shine through. What a great story that gives me hope for the human race. You have no idea what finding this earring means to me and my wife. I wish you nothing but the best in your life." Ajay Krishan

  • I would HIGHLY recommend anyone to work with him and if I found myself in the same situation again, I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to him immediately! (2023)


    I contacted Brendon to help me find my lost rings & he responded immediately! He was so kind, attentive, and extremely detail oriented. He did not leave any stone or avenue uncovered and went above and beyond in helping me search. He is extremely empathetic and I felt like he cared just as much as I did to help me find my rings which meant so much to me!

    I would HIGHLY recommend anyone to work with him and if I found myself in the same situation again, I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to him immediately! THANK YOU so much Brendon!!

  • Brendan, I cannot express my gratitude enough for your exceptional skills and tireless dedication to reuniting wayward rings with their rightful owners. You are the Sherlock Holmes of lost jewelry (2023)


    I must admit, when I first lost my wedding ring amidst the squelching mud and twisted roots of that treacherous hiking trail, I felt like Frodo Baggins on a journey to Mordor, except without the assurance of a happy ending. The look on my spouse’s face only confirmed the direness of my predicament.

    But then, you emerged like a knight in shining armor, armed with your trusty metal detector, and I knew there was hope. You swooped into action, your detector beeping like R2-D2 on a mission, and the mud stood no chance against your extraordinary ring-finding prowess.

    With unyielding determination, you waded through the muck, like an eager truffle pig, except instead of fungi, you sought out precious metal. And lo and behold, you unearthed my precious ring, transforming my tale of woe into a comedic triumph!

    Brendan, I cannot express my gratitude enough for your exceptional skills and tireless dedication to reuniting wayward rings with their rightful owners. You are the Sherlock Holmes of lost jewelry, and I am forever indebted to your remarkable talents.

    Please accept this testimonial as a small token of my appreciation. I will be singing your praises far and wide, spreading the legend of Brendan, the Ring Whisperer. May your metal detector never falter and may the rings you find forever sparkle in the sun.

  • He clearly knows what he is doing and is an expert at locating lost jewelry... (2022)


    My fiance accidentally flung her engagement ring into a thick, brushy area in our front yard while trying to remove it. At first, we thought it would be easy to find, but after several hours of searching without success, it felt like a hopeless cause.

    While searching for ideas on the Internet in desperation, I happened to stumble across and saw that Brendon was their local operative for our area. When I contacted Brendon, he was very willing and eager to help!

    It was very easy to set up an appointment, and he was at our house looking for the ring within a couple of days. When he arrived, he was able to find the ring in about 10 minutes!!

    He clearly knows what he is doing and is an expert at locating lost jewelry. Before contacting Brendon, we were just about to purchase a replacement ring that wouldn't have had the same sentimental value as the original. I'm so glad, we found Brendon instead! THANK YOU, BRENDON!

  • I highly recommend Brandon – he is AWESOME!! (2022)


    While we had not lost hope to find the ring we were losing steam and feeling defeated. We found Brandon, extremely courteous and eager to help. He knew time was of the essence and fit us in same day to literally dig through the trash. It was gross, grimy and smelly, but he was on a mission. We were going to find that ring and boy, he sure did!! There were screams, tears, laughs and tons of high fives – to say that the owners were happy is an extreme understatement. There was obvious disbelief, which made the find that much sweeter. Brandon is AMAZING and has tons of experience and great tools to help. He never showed irritation with digging through yucky trash, was extremely positive, very easy going and super fun. Brandon will always be the one I call for trash digging for my owners and anyone else that asks. I highly recommend Brandon – he is AWESOME!!

  • I highly recommend Brendon, and the others who helped me find him…The Ring Finders site (2022)


    Brendan’s willingness and promptness to drive more than an hour to the site, through traffic (valley folks heading to the beach for cooler temps in addition to afternoon traffic) his detective skills and tools, and most importantly his kindness and generosity of time and effort with no guarantees of success. The ring was lost the afternoon before. Thankfully we were able to bless him for his efforts, skills, time and gas. I enjoyed our visit as we waited for Hilary and Fernandes to arrive after their works, to thank him in person . I highly recommend Brendon, and the others who helped me find him…The Ring Finders site, Marshall, and Jes.

  • “I would recommend Brendon to anyone in the CA Bay Area (2022)


    “I would recommend Brendon to anyone in the CA Bay Area who needs help finding lost precious jewelry such as wedding and engagement rings. He is prompt in responding, empathetic, and sincere.” “Thanks again. And g’luck in future findings.”

  • Thank you Brendon for finding the ring which will allow it to continue being passed down for generations. (2022)


    Thank you Brendon! Thirty years ago our son received a gold ring from his Godmother and was passing it down to his Son. We were all heartbroken when informed it had flown off his finger in the backyard. We searched without success when I googled how to find lost rings and came across “theringfinders.” Brendon responded promptly and showed up the next day and found the ring in minutes. He was timely and courteous and we appreciated the explanation of how he would search the yard and what the different metal detector sounds would mean. Thank you Brendon for finding the ring which will allow it to continue being passed down for generations.