Lost ring, Lansing, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

front yard



back yard




Lost ring in Lansing Michigan still not found. Mr. Pearson assumed he lost a gold ring, in his yard, with 5 diamonds in it. The dimonds came from his wife and mothers rings and were very special to him. He was trimming a tree in the front yard and started taking the branches to his back yard and throwing them over his fence. It was a cold fall day and he was not wearing gloves.

He got ahold of me and I traveled the 6o miles to his home and searched the front and back yards and the area over the fence. I could not find it and being that it was very cold I told Mr. Pearson that I would be out in the Spring.

It is now Spring and the temp is about 80 degrees today. I brought my brother Doug and a friend Larry with me to do a complete grid search. We searched the fron and back yard, a garden area and the area over the fence that is adjacent to a cemetary. After questioning Mr. Pearson about places that it could be he was not quite certain that it was lost in the yard as it was a couple of days after the tree triming that he noticed it was gone.

I wanted to write this blog today just to show what we do as ringfinders. We question, we search, we question some more and generally we find. In the case of Mr Pearson we wished him well and left this fine gentleman knowing that we gave our best to find his ring.

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