Ring Finders Oregon Coast Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring FOUND, Fort Stevens Oregon

  • from Seaside (Oregon, United States)


Alex reunited!

Saturday June 19 2pm received a text from Alex stating his wife has lost her ring in the sand near the shipwreck at Fort Stevens. Knowing that this is one of the only beaches here in Oregon that is illegal to medal detect. So I stopped by the ranger station to ask for permission to use my medal detector for the sole purpose of looking for a lost ring. I was told as long as I stay in the area of where the ring. and that after I find the ring I must not use my Medal detector anymore.

I had just woke you when I seen the text from Alex. I work night so no I am not lazy. (Well I am kind of lazy sometimes). I text back and told Alex I would be there in about 30 minutes. I get ready and go. After the ranger station I proceeded to the beach where Alex told me he would be waiting. Sure enough Alex was waiting and waving his arms as he probably knew who I was due to the medal detector in hand. When I get to Alex we started talking about where about and how the ring was dropped. looking over the area I was thinking « This will be easy » It was a area narrowed down to a area of about 10’x10′. Then I turned on my Minelabs Equinox 600 and do the usual ground balance and pick beach 2 mode. All I hear is the 600 going crazy no matter where I placed it on the area. Looking at the sand what I noticed was that the sand was mostly black. So hoping I would get a solid stronger sound if I passed over the ring I started my search in 3′ foot swing. 5 minutes go by and I hit a strong signal. I’m thinking yes this has to be it I start sweeping sand away from where I pin pointed the object and BAM!! A flattened penny like the ones crank the lever and it flattens a penny and put whatever tourist attraction you at. With Alex looking on in obvious excitement when I started to dig. Only to see the look of disappointment. He says that was my sons in a sad tone. So I hand it to him and told Alex to give it back to his son. After about 2 hours of sweeping the area back and forth to and fro I had only one other hit strong enough to differentiate from all the cackling of my new enemy Mr. black sand. Turned out to be a nail. Alex stated he had to leave and go back to where he was from. I told him I would continue to search and stay in touch whether I found it or not he reluctantly left as I continue to search the area.

Within the time I was searching I received another call for a lost ring. I told that person I had to work and would meet him first thing in the morning after I get off work. After looking for Alex’s wife wedding band another hour with no luck I had to leave to get ready for my 12 hour shift. I text Alex and told him I did not find the ring but I would be back the next day to continue to look.

The following morning After working all night in my hospital I go to the other guy that text me the previous evening. That is my next story and I don’t want to ruin that plot. After getting home I decided to get some very much needed sleep to recharge. When I woke up maybe 2 hours later I couldn’t get Alex’s look of disappointment out of my head so I grab my sand scoop and decided I was going to go give it another go. So I head back to the place I had searched the night before. Getting there and looking down I was reminded of all the distorted sounds wailing from my 600 into my headphones. determined not to let the black sand win I took to my sand scoop and started from what I thought was the most likely area and started scooping and sifting through the heartless black sand. Every few scoops sweeping with the 600 to maybe get that sweet sound of something solid. with the wind picking up and sand hitting me in the face it felt like I was getting sand blasted. For 2 1/2 hours of endless scooping and sweeping I get a weak but different sound. As I try to pin point it down I narrow in to what I feel is close to the spot. first scoop I hear a duhl rattle in the scoop with excitement in my stomach I look in the scoop to see two pieces of plastic. bummed about it I tell myself at least it wasn’t medal. I take another scoop nothing but a stick, third scoop empty! As I go for another scoop I see a slight shine. Could it be? Please let this be it. I grab the sand and shiny object I feel something in my hand. It is cold and round. I look in my hand a YESSSS!!! there it is a beautiful little wedding band with rows of diamonds. After dancing a little jig I grab my stuff with the ring safely in my pocket checking ever two steps to make sure the ring was still there. I make it to my truck. taking out the ring again to make sure I wasn’t dreaming due to sleep depravation. Yup its real.

When I get home I text Alex and ask him if his wife had a small finger because it barely went to the first joint on my little finger. He text me back and asked if I had any luck. So I took a picture of the ring and asked if « this look familiar? ». I had just sent the text and almost immediately he texts back with a « YES HOLY CRAP ». Alex was so thankful and told me that his wife was crying, she was so happy and relieved. Alex also told me that his 5 year old son said he was going to name his first child after me! that cracked me up.

All in all it turned out to be a great day and I can’t wait till It is on the finger of Alex’s wife!!

Cheers!! Gabe