Josh Brown

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

Call or Text 24/7 For Time-Sensitive Searches (Public areas such as Beaches & Parks .etc)

I work on a reward basis. You pay what it's worth to you and is affordable. Always open to discussion. Whether it is something with an emotional attachment, or a hidden cache that could change your family's life forever; I know how important it is to you and will give my very best to find your item of interest! Thank you in advance for giving me an opportunity to help you recover your lost valuables!

Call out fee of $40 minimum, to cover fuel. Card, Cash, Dinner & Permission can be accepted as compensation

Search Types

Beaches, Parks, Lakes Fronts, and Yards. Surface, Sub Terrain and Water up to 5' deep. Estate and Property searches for hidden caches of gold, silver etc.

Search Locations

Hunt & Collin Counties | Contact me if you are outside my area to discuss travel. I frequent many large cities in Texas.

Josh Brown's Bio

For my Beautiful Bride of 22 years and I, metal detecting started as a hobby, something to do together. Over the years it has grown into a passion for finding and discovery! From lost wedding ring recoveries on the coast, to gold prospecting, we have enjoyed it all! Helping recover items of interest, will always be a fun adventure